Biography KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah

Biography KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah
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List of Contents

1.        Life and Family History
1.1      Born
1.2      Family History
1.3      Passed Away

2.        Sanad of His Knowledge and Education
2.1      Wandering to Gain Knowledge
2.2      His Masters
2.3      Becoming a Caregiver For Pesantren

2.4      Development of the pesantren Bahrul Ulum in the Era of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah

3.        His Successor
3.1      His Sons
3.2      His Student

4.        Merits, Works, and Careers
4.1 .     His Merits
4.1.1 .  KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah Founder of NU
4.1.2 .  Fatwa Resolution of Jihad
4.1.3.    Songwriter Ya Lal Wathon
4.1.4     The Inspiration for the Formation of GP Ansor
4.1.5     Becoming an Envoy of Jami'iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama in Saudi Arabia
4.2 .      His works
4.3.       His Career

5.           Lesson learn Stories
5.1.        Flexibility in Fiqh Law
5.2.        Halal bi Halal initiators

6.          Service at Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

7.          Awards

8.          Reference

9.          Chart Geneology

1.     Life story and Family History

1.1     Born

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is one of the great scholars who pioneered the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) who was very instrumental in this country. He is an accomplished orator, political expert, fighter in the struggle for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah or commonly called Mbah Wahab was born in Jombang, March 31, 1888. He is the son of KH. Hasbullah Said and Nyai Latifah, caretaker of the pesantren Tambakberas in Jombang, East Java.

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah came from the descendants of King Brawijaya IV and met the genealogy of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari to Kiai Abdus Salam (Kiai Shoichah) bin Abdul Jabar bin Ahmad bin Pangeran Sumbu bin Pangeran Benowo bin Jaka Tingkir (Mas Karebet), bin Lembu Peteng, bin Brawijaya V (the seventh king of Majapahit).

1.2     Passed Away

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah passed away in Jombang at the age of 83 years or to be precise on December 29, 1971. 43 years later, on November 7, 2014, Kiai Wahab together with Djamin Ginting, Sukarni Kartodiwirjo, and HR Muhammad Mangundiprojo were appointed as National Heroes of Indonesia by President Joko Widodo.

1.3    Family History

In 1914, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullahllah, married the daughter of Kiai Musa named Maimunah. Since then, he has lived with his parents-in-law in the village of Kertopaten, Surabaya. However, this marriage and household building did not last long. His wife passed away while they were both performing the pilgrimage in 1921. 15 days After Maimunah's passed away, he remarried Alawiyah, the daughter of KH Alwi Tamim. From this marriage he was blessed with a daughter named Khadijah who later married Kiai Abdul Mu'in from Bangil. Then Khadijah passed away in 1987.

Beside marriage with Alawiyah, he remarried in Jombang with a woman named Rahmah, daughter of Kiai Abd.Sjukur. However, this marriage with Rahmah did not last long, he was divorced and had no son. Then he remarried three times, then divorced, and had no children. While carrying out the pilgrimage in 1920 KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah married Asna bin Said from Surabaya and had a son named Nadjib (passed away in 1987).

After that, he married Fatimah bin Burhan, but was not blessed with a son. Before editing KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, Fatimah has a son named Ahmad Saichu. KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah re-married with Fatimah bin Ali from Mojokerto and Askanah bint Muhammad Idris from Sidoarjo.

From these two wives he also did not have a son. Next, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is married to Masmah, cousin of Asna bin Said, and has a son named Moh. Adib. After Masmah's passed away, he remarried Aslihah bin Abdul Majid from Bangil, Pasuruan and has two daughters, Djumiyatin and Muktamaroh. Aslihah passed away in 1939, then he married Sa'diyah, Aslihah's sister. From his marriage to Sa'diyah, he had five sons, namely Machfudzoh, Hizbiyah, Munjidah, Muh. Hasib, and Muh. Roqib.        

 2.     Sanad of His Knowledge and Education

2.1     Wandering to Gain Knowledge

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah education period from small to large was spent in pesantren. For approximately 20 years, he intensively explored religious knowledge from several pesantren. Because he grew up in a pesantren environment, from an early age he was taught religious and moral knowledge at a basic level.

Included in this, of course, are Islamic arts such as calligraphy, hadrah, berjanjen, diba', and salawat. He teach traditions that respect the ancestors and the knowledge of the ancestors, namely by visiting the ancestral graves and doing tawasul.

He was taught by his father himself how to live, a santri, for example, praying in congregation, and occasionally being woken up at night for the tahajjud prayer. Then Kiai Wahab guided him to memorize Juz 'amma and read the Koran in tartil and fluently. Then he was educated to know the yellow books, from the smallest book and its contents are needed for daily practice. For example: the Book of Safinatunnaja, Fathul Qorib, Fathul Mu'in, Fathul Wahab, Muhadzdzab and Al Majmu'. Wahab Hasbullah also studied Tawhid, Tafsir, Ulumul Quran, Hadith, and Ulumul Hadith.

A strong will to gain as much knowledge as possible was seen from his childhood who was diligent and intelligent in understanding the various sciences he learned. During the early six years of his education, he was educated directly by his father, only when he was 13 years old, Kiai Wahab Chasbullah wandered to seek knowledge. So he went from one pesantren to another.

Among the pesantren that Wahab Hasbullah visited were as follows:

  1.     Pesantren Langitan Tuban
  2.     Pesantren Mojosari, Nganjuk
  3.     Pesantren Cempaka
  4.     Pesantren Tawangsari, Sepanjang
  5.     Pesantren Kademangan Bangkalan, Madura, with the master KH. Kholil Bangkalan
  6.     Pesantren Branggahan, Kediri
  7.     Pesantren Tebuireng, Jombang with the master KH. Hasyim Asy’ari

Especially at the pesantren Tebui Ireng, he has been a student for a long time. This is evident, for approximately 4 years, he became the head of the pesantren , the highest position rarely obtained by a santri in a boarding school. Being the head of the boarding school is proof of the kiai's and the pesantren's trust in the santri.

After studying for a long time in various pesantren , like most Javanese students at that time, KH. Wahab Chasbullah at the age of 27 also deepened his knowledge, especially religious knowledge in Mecca. He studied in this holy city for approximately 5 years. In Mecca, he met with prominent scholars and then studied with them. As mentioned above, among his teachers while in Mecca were the following:
1) Kiai Mahfudz Termas.
2) Kiai Muchtarom Banyumas.
3) Syaikh Ahmad Khotib Minangkabau.
4) Syaikh Sa’id Al-Yamani.
5) Syaikh Ahmad Abu Bakri Sata.
Apart from studying religious books or lessons, he also studied organizational and movement sciences. While in Mecca, he also learned the movement of the SI organization.

In fact, he is active in the world of this movement and organization. Together with Kiai Abas from Jember, Kiai Asnawi from Kudus, and Kiai Dahlan from Kertosono, they pioneered the establishment of the Makkah branch of the Syarikat Islam (SI). With such a long series of intellectual journeys, it is not surprising that at the age of 34, KH. Wahab Chasbullah has become a young man who has mastered various religious disciplines, such as Tafsir, Hadith, Jurisprudence, Akidah, Sufism, Nahwu Sharaf, Ma'ani, Manthiq, 'Arudl and Hadlarah science, Islamic history, the branch of discussion, and rhetoric.

After returning from Makkah and residing in Surabaya, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah already felt the need to make a movement by educating cadres in the form of Tashwir Al-Afkar, an exchange of ideas. This idea then crystallized into a kind of debate course for young people and young kiai. This effort was driven by a passion for Islamic revival, one of which was motivated by the condition of Syarikat Islam (established in 1912) which the Dutch had begun to suspect because of the Afdeling B case. many Muslims left SI because the Dutch everywhere could arrest those suspected of being part of the SI Afdeling rebellion.

2.2     His Masters

  1.     KH. Hasbulloh Said
  2.     KH. Kholil Bangkalan
  3.     KH. Hasyim Asy’ari
  4.     Syaikh Mahfudz at-Tarmasi
  5.     Syaikh Al-Yamani
  6.     KH. Muchtarom Banyumas
  7.     Syaikh Ahmad Khatib (pemimpin Tarekat Qadiriyyah-Naqsyabandiyyah).
  8.     Syaikh Sa’id Al-Yamani
  9.     Syaikh Ahmad Abu Bakri Shata
  10.     KH. Saleh
  11.     KH. Zainuddin Bangkalan-Madura
  12.     KH. Faqihuddin Kediri (pengasuh Pesantren Branggahan Kediri)

2.3      Becoming a Caretaker of Pesantren

He served as the caretaker of the Jombang Tambakberas Islamic Boarding School replacing the struggle of his father Almaghfurullah "Kiai Hasbullah" who died in 1920 AD, he was also the one who initiated the idea of making the name "Bahrul 'Ulum" as the official name of the pesantren considering the name Tambakberas itself is actually the name of a hamlet.

In addition, Almaghfurullah KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is also a figure who reconstructed the education system at the Bahrul 'Ulum Islamic boarding school by establishing the Madrasah Ibtida'iyyah Islamiyyah Al-Qur'an (1959) which was the first madrasa in the history of the Bahrul 'Ulum Tambakberas Islamic Boarding School, before the system was modified by Almaghfurullah KH. Abdul Fattah Hasyim when he was the caretaker of the Bahrul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School.

For the struggle of Almaghfurullah KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah his name was appointed as the name of one of the universities in the Bahrul 'Ulum Islamic Boarding School environment, namely UNWAHA (Wahab Hasbullah University) which is a metamorphosis of STAI-BU and STIMIK-BU. In addition to the commemoration of Haul Almaghfurullah KH. The 43rd Abdul Wahab Chasbullah in 2014 also launched the “KH. A Wahab Chasbullah Award 2014 Award 2014” by Pondok Pesantren Bahrul ‘Ulum Tambakberas Jombang.

2.4     Development of the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in the Era of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is of the view that education does not have to be done in pesantren but how to educate children can be done anywhere and in accordance with what is needed by the community. However, that does not mean that pesantren education is forgotten.

Therefore, in addition to conducting education at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Tambakberas, Jombang, he also conducted education outside the pesantren aimed at the general and educated people by establishing a discussion group called Tashwirul Afkar.

Through Nahdlatun Wathan he has also succeeded in establishing several schools in various regions, including:

  1.     Sekolah/Madrasah Ahloel Wathan di Wonokromo
  2.     Sekolah/Madrasah Far’oel Wathan di Gresik
  3.     Sekolah/Madrasah Hidayatoel Wathan di Jombang, dan
  4.     Sekolah/Madrasah Khitaboel Wathan di Surabaya (Mashyuri, 2008:86-87).  

 3. His Successors

     3.1    His Children

  1.     KH. Muhammad Wahab Wahib
  2.     Khadijah
  3.     Moh. Adib Djumiyatin
  4.     Muktamaroh
  5.     NYai Hj. Mundjidah Wahab
  6.     Mahfuzah
  7.     Hasbiyah
  8.     Mujidah
  9.     Muhammad Hasib
  10.     Raqib
  11.     KH. A. Syaichu (anak tiri)

   3.2     His Students
His students are students at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Tambakberas, Jombang

4. His Merits, Works, and Careers 

4.1     His merits

4.1.1  KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah Founder of NU
KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is one of the founding fathers of NU. In addition, he was also the Commander of the Laskar Mujahidin (Hezbollah) when fighting against the Japanese invaders. He is also listed as a member of the DPA with Ki Hajar Dewantoro.

In 1916 founded the Islamic Youth Organization named Nahdlatul Wathan, then in 1926 became the Chairman of the Hijaz Committee Team. KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah was also the originator of the basics of leadership in the NU organization with the existence of two bodies, Syuriyah and Tanfidziyah as an effort to unite the Old and the Young.

4.1.2  Fatwa Resolution of Jihad
During the independence revolution, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah also participated in the process of issuing the “Fatwa on the Resolution of Jihad. When the fatwa on the Resolution of Jihad was issued by Rois Akbar PBNU KH. Hasyim Asy'ari, at a meeting of NU scholars and consuls throughout Java and Madura, at the PB Ansor Nahdlatoel Oelama (ANO) office on Jalan Bubutan VI/2 Surabaya on October 22, 1945, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, who at that time was the Khatib Am PBNU, was in charge of overseeing the implementation and implementation in the field.

The fatwa eventually became the trigger for the heroic battle on November 10, to repel the Dutch who wanted to re-colonize by piggybacking the NICA alias the Allies. With a long historical record of the struggle of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah towards this nation, various parties considered it very appropriate if the government gave the title of National Hero.

4.1.3  Songwriter Ya Lal Wathon
KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is the author of the poem "Ya Lal Wathon" which is widely sung among Nahdliyyin, the song Ya Lal Wathon was composed in 1934. KH. Maimoen Zubair said that the poem was a poem he heard, acquired, and sung when he was young in Rembang. In the past, the Ya Lal Wathon poem was sung every time the students wanted to start learning activities.

4.1.4  The Inspiration for the Formation of GP Ansor
From historical records, GP Ansor was born from the womb of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Starting from the differences between traditional figures and modernist figures that emerged in the body of Nahdlatul Wathan, a religious organization engaged in Islamic education, missionary development and cadre development. KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, a traditional figure and KH. Mas Mansyur, who has a modernist orientation, ended up taking a different current of movement, precisely when his enthusiasm for establishing an Islamic youth organization was growing.

Two years after the split, in 1924 the youths who supported KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah who later became the founder of NU formed a forum with the name Syubbanul Wathan (Indonesian Youth). This organization became the forerunner of the establishment of the Ansor Youth Movement after previously undergoing name changes such as the NU Youth Association (PPNU), NU Youth (PNU), and Anshoru Nahdlatul Oelama (ANO).

The name Ansor is a suggestion from KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullahh, a great scholar as well as a great teacher for young people at that time, which was taken from the honorary name given by the Prophet Muhammad to the people of Medina who had contributed to the struggle to defend and uphold the religion of Allah. Thus, ANO is intended to be able to take wisdom and role models for the attitudes, behavior and fighting spirit of the companions of the Prophet who received the Ansor title.

The ANO movement must always refer to the basic values of Ansor's friends, namely as helpers, fighters and even pioneers in broadcasting, upholding and fortifying Islamic teachings. Although ANO is declared as part of NU, formally the organization has not been listed in the organizational structure of NU.

It was only at the 9th NU Congress in Banyuwangi, precisely on 10 Muharram 1353 H or 24 April 1934, that ANO was accepted and ratified as part of the NU youth department. The inclusion of ANO as a department in NU's institutional structure was due to the struggles of young kiai such as KH. Machfudz Siddiq, KH. Wahid Hasyim, KH. Dachlan Kertosono, Thohir Bakri and Abdullah Ubaid as well as support from senior cleric KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah.

Meanwhile, the role of KH. Mohammad Chusaini Tiway was seen during the Japanese occupation, at which time youth organizations were suppressed by the Japanese colonial government, including ANO. After the physical revolution (1945 – 1949) was over, the ANO Surabaya figure, Moh. Chusaini Tiway, came up with the idea to reactivate ANO. This idea received a positive response from KH. Wahid Hasyim was the Minister of Religion of the RIS at that time, then on December 14, 1949 an agreement was born to rebuild ANO with a new name, namely the Ansor Youth Movement, abbreviated as Pemuda Ansor (now more popularly abbreviated as GP Ansor).

4.1.5  Becoming an Envoy of Jami'iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama in Saudi Arabia
When Islamic leaders received an invitation from the King of the Hijaz, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah then formed a Khilafat Committee which was named the "Hijaz Committee" with the permission of KH. Hasyim Asy'ari. KH. A Wahab Chasbullah established the "Hijaz Committee" as a form of response to the process of "wahabisation" in Arabia which had an influence on the issue of freedom of worship according to his beliefs. This committee then sent its own delegation to Makkah-Medina. It was this Hijaz Committee that later gave birth to Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama, so that the presence of NU could not be separated from the struggle of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah.

4.2      His works
Yaa Lal Wathan, Patriotic Song by KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah

This song contains poetry that is full of patriotism. The song, entitled Syubbanul Wathan or Yaa Lal Wathan, has now been translated and is often sung by the students.

 KH. Maimoen Zubair, one of the students of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah narrated that when he was staying at Tambak Rice and studying at the “Syubbaanul Wathan” school there, every day before entering class the students were required to sing a song composed by KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullahh in 1934.

4.3      His Career

  1.     Served as Katib 'Am of PBNU when NU was first founded.
  2.     After KH. Hasyim Asy'ari died, the position of Rais 'Am was held by KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah
  3.     Become a member of BPKNIP (working body of the Central Indonesian National Committee)
  4.     Became a constituent member and has been a member of the DPR RI several times
  5.     Become a member of the Supreme Advisory Council or DPA

5. Lesson learn Stories

5.1     Flexibility in Fiqh Law
The history of differing views on sacrificial animals is one of the most famous in Denanyar and Tambakberas, Jombang. Sowan told a man to Kiai Bisri Syansuri at the Mambaul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School Denanyar. The man tried to convey his desire to slaughter the sacrificial animal. But something was bugging him. The story is, the man was about to slaughter a cow, but his family consisted of eight people. He wanted to ask Kiai Bisri Syansuri about this. "Yo can't, one cow for seven people. That's the rule of the Shari'a," Kiai Bisri answered simply and firmly.

Hearing the cleric's answer, the man was a little confused. He is worried that in the hereafter one of his family members will not be able to ride the slaughtered animal due to the Shari'a rules. He was very curious about the rules of the Shari'a. This made him have to ask other ulama in Jombang again.

His choice fell to KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah. He then rushed to Tambakberas, a village located north of Denanyar. He is sowan to KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah at the Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School. After fully introducing himself along with his origins and family history, he conveyed the same intention to Kiai Wahab. "Yo it's okay. It's just that your child has one small one, so that he can climb onto the cow's back, ancik-ancikan (steps) must be provided," said Kiai Wahab. "What's the ancik-ancikan, Kiai?" the man asked enthusiastically as if he had found a solution. "Yes, buy one goat, so that it can be used for your child's ancikan," said Kiai Wahab.

Hearing the answer KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah who did not immediately give the verdict "can't". The man had found his way out and came home with the good news. Finally, on Eid al-Adha, he was able to sacrifice for all his family members.

5.2     Halal Bi Halal Initiators
KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, who at that time served as a Member of the Supreme Advisory Council, advised Bung Karno to hold a gathering because Eid al-Fitr is coming soon, where all Muslims are invited to stay in touch.

Then Bung Karno replied, "Silaturrahmi is normal, I want another term."

"That's easy," said Kiai Wahab.

“Look, the political elites don't want to unite, it's because they blame each other. Blaming each other is a sin. Sin is forbidden. So that they do not have sin (haram), then it must be made lawful. They have to sit at one table to forgive each other, justify each other. So that later we will use the term 'halal bi halal', "explained KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah.

From the advice of KH. It was Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, then Soekarno on Eid Al-Fitr at that time, inviting all political figures to come to the State Palace to attend a gathering entitled 'Halal bihalal' and finally they could sit down at one table, as a new chapter to build strength and national unity.

And from this historical event, halal bi halal is able to unite all elements of the nation and raise the spirit of unity. It was proven that in the following year, on December 27, 1949, the Dutch handed over the sovereignty of the Indonesian people, which was carried out in two places.

First, in Amsterdam by the Queen of the Netherlands to Prime Minister Mohammad Hatta, and second, in Jakarta, represented by the high representative of the Dutch crown in Indonesia, Tony Lovink to Sri Sultan Hamengkubowo IX as deputy prime minister. After that, the Indonesian people had become the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS) for 8 months and on 19 May 1950 merged into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Since then, government agencies have organized halal bi halal which was then followed by the wider community, especially the Muslim community in Java as followers of the ulama.

6.     Service at Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah is the founding father of NU. Besides that, he was also the Commander of the Laskar Mujahidin (Hezbollah) when fighting against the Japanese invaders. He is also listed as a member of the DPA with Ki Hajar Dewantoro. In 1914 founded a course called "Tashwirul Afkar".

In 1916 founded the Islamic Youth Organization named Nahdlatul Wathan, then in 1926 became the Chairman of the Hijaz Committee Team. KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah was also the originator of the basics of leadership in the NU organization with the existence of two bodies, Syuriyah and Tanfidziyah as an effort to unite the Old and the Young.

It is no less great in politics. KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah participated in NU's struggle at the political level. This is related to the process of struggle against the invaders cannot only use physical struggle. He also gave birth to laskars, such as Hezbollah. In this political matter, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah has a strong instinct to become a tough politician, tenacious, and expert in lobbying.

The spirit of Muslim nationalism began to surface at the beginning with the establishment of Sarekat Islam (SI) on November 11, 1912. This spirit of nationalism was then followed by the establishment of several religious organizations, such as Muhammadiyah on November 18, 1912 in Yogyakarta, Al-Irsyad in 1915, Persatuan Islam (Exactly) in 1923, and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). These organizations are the forerunner to the formation of the Muslim struggle that began in the 20th century. Here, NU as a religious organization that has quite a lot of members and is able to occupy an important position in the history of the Indonesian nation is interesting to study.

During this period, the leader of the Islamic youth movement, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah. In the following period, the period of Japanese residence in the Dutch East Indies KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, like most scholars, got a position in the government. In 1943 he was appointed as Shu Sangi Kai or advisory board in Surabaya. KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah was also an important liaison between President Soekarno and NU. These two people have a close and warm relationship.

The emergence of NU as an independent party has increasingly encouraged mutually beneficial relations between the president and NU. Soekarno tried to promote NU while KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah hopes that the president will be a supporter of his party in a competitive political system. According to him, NU must support the president, not only because he is a key figure in Indonesian independence, but because he also remains an important figure in maintaining and building a sense of national unity and ideals.

KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah also could not allow modernists to launch attacks on Islamic clerics. Therefore, in 1924, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah opened the “Masail Diniyyah” course (special course on religious issues). The course is intended to increase knowledge for young scholars who maintain the pesantren school. Thus, KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah had built a defense strong enough to repel the attacks of the modernists.

7.    Awards

Appointed National Hero

With a long historical record of the struggle of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah towards this nation, various parties considered it very appropriate if the government gave the title of National Hero. Moreover, the proposal for the name Kiai Wahab, who died December 29, 1971, as a National Hero has actually been carried out for quite a long time. The first proposal was in 1989 or during the New Order era. Due to traffic jams, the second proposal was finally submitted in 2012. Those who proposed the Jombang Regency Government, Central PBNU, and Jombang PCNU, as well as all families, kiai, and scholars.

From these proposals, several seminars, public tests, and historical studies have been conducted to test whether or not KH is worthy. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah became a National Hero, seen from his role before, during and after independence. Those who reviewed, among others, were historian Prof. Anhar Gonggong, NU historian Choirul Anam, and PBNU. His struggle for life was not in vain. On 7 November 2014, President Joko Widodo awarded Kiai Wahab the title of National Hero of Indonesia.

8. Reference

9.Chart Geneology

The following is a genealogy chart for KH's teachers. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah can be seen HERE, and the genealogy chart of his student's lineage can be seen HERE.

This article was previously edited on February 12, 2022, and last edited on September 15, 2022.