Biography of KH. Bisri Syansuri

Biography of KH. Bisri Syansuri
Sumber Gambar: foto istimewa

List of contents

1.        Life story and Family
1.1       Born
1.2       Passed Away
1.3       Family History

2.        Sanad of His Knowledge and Education
2.1       Wandering to Gain Knowledge
2.2       His Masters
2.3       Pesantren Founder and Caregiver

3.         KH. Bisri Syansuri Successors
3.1       His Children
3.2       His Students

4          Merits, and Careers
4.1       His Merits
4.2       His Career

5.        Lesson learn Stories
5.1       Remainding Mr. Hatta Wearing a Peci
5.2       Caring for Women
5.3       Firmly Standing in Fiqh

6.        Service at Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

7.        Awards

8.        Reference

9         Genealogy Chart


1.     Life story and Family

1.1     Born

KH. Bisri Syansuri is a scholar who was very instrumental in the establishment of Nadlatul Ulama, also the founder and caretaker of the Mamba'ul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School in Denanyar, Jombang. KH. Bisri Syansuri was born in Tayu Village, Pati Regency, Central Java Province, on 28 Dzulhijjah 1304 H / 18 September 1886. He is the third child of KH. Syansuri and Nyai Mariah.

1.2    Passed away

 KH. Bisri Syansuri passed away at the age of 93 years, precisely on April 25, 1980. He was buried in the Denanyar Islamic Boarding School complex (PP Mamba'ul Ma'arif Denanyar, Jombang).

1.3    Family History

  While in Mecca, KH. Bisri Syansuri married the younger sister of KH. Abdul Wahhab Hasbullah. After returning from Makkah, he stayed at his father-in-law's boarding school in Tambak Beras, Jombang, for two years.

KH. Bisri Syansuri married Hj. Chodidjah and in the same year, the two new husbands and wives returned to their homeland (1914). From this marriage, KH. Bisri Syansuri has nine children. The first child died in infancy; secondly Ahmad Atoillah, known as KH Ahmad Bisri; third, Muassomah. Next is Muslihatun, Sholihah, Musyarofah, Sholihun, Ali Abd Aziz, and Shohib.

2.    Sanad of His Knowledge and Education

     2.1     Wandering to Gain Knowledge

 As a child, KH. Bisri Syansuri studied at KH. Abd Salam, an expert and memorized the Qur'an and also an expert in the field of fiqh. For his guidance he studied nahwu, nerves, fiqh, tasawuf, interpretation, hadith. His teacher was known as a disciplined figure in carrying out religious rules. This character became one of Bisri's personality that was attached later on.

 Around the age of 15 years, KH. Bisri Syansuri began to study religious knowledge from the two well-known religious figures at that time, namely KH. Kholil Kasingan Rembang and KH. Syu'aib Sarang Lasem. Then he continued to study with Shaykhona Kholil Bangkalan. It was at this pesantren that he later met KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah, a man who later became his close friend.

 After studying with Shaykhona Kholil, KH. Bisri Syansuri then studied with Hadratusshekh KH. Hasyim Asy'ari in Tebuireng. At the boarding school, he studied for 6 years. He obtained a diploma from his teacher to teach religious books that are well-known in old literature ranging from the fiqh book of Al-Zubad to the books of hadith such as Bukhari and Muslim.

 In 1912 to 1913 KH. Bisri Syansuri went to continue his education to Mecca with KH. Abdul Wahhab Hasbullah. In the holy city, they learn to:

  1.     Syekh Mahfudz Tremas
  2.     Syekh Muhammad Bakir
  3.     Syekh Muhammad Said Yamani
  4.     Syekh Ibrahim Madani
  5.     Syekh Al-Maliki
  6.     KH. Ahmad Khatib Padang

2.2      His masters

  1.     KH. Abd Salam
  2.     KH. Kholil Kasingan
  3.     Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan
  4.     Hadratussyekh KH. Hasyim Asy’ari
  5.     Syekh Mahfudz Tremas
  6.     Syekh Muhammad Bakir
  7.     Syekh Muhammad Said Yamani
  8.     Syekh Ibrahim Madani
  9.     Syekh Al-Maliki
  10.     KH. Ahmad Khatib Padang

2.3     Pesantren Founder and Caregiver

KH. Bisri Syansuri then himself founded the Mamba'ul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School in Denanyar, Jombang and in 1917. KH. Bisri Syansuri was one of the first ulama figures to establish a special class for female students at the pesantren he founded. At that time, the pesantren he had founded was only followed by women in his village. The teacher, Hadratussyaikh KH. Hasyim Asy'ari who knows this, Mbah Hasyim allows and supports what his students are doing.

 According to Gus Dur, KH. Bisri Syansuri is an interesting thing. Because, when his best friends in Mecca established a branch of the Sarekat Islam, Kiai Bisri established a special class for women

 3.    KH. Bisri Syansuri Successors

3.1    His Childrens

  1.    Ahmad Atoillah, known as KH. Ahmad Bisri
  2.     Muassomah
  3.     Muslihatun
  4.     Sholihah
  5.     Musyarofah
  6.     Sholihun
  7.     Ali Abd Aziz
  8.     Shohib.

3.2    His Students

 KH students. Bisri Syansuri are his students at the Mamba'ul Ma'arif Islamic Boarding School Denanyar, Jombang

 4.    His Merits, Works, and Careers

  4.1    His Merits

 4.1.1 One of the Founders of NU
KH. Bisri Syansuri was one of the Kiai who was present at the January 31, 1926 meeting in Surabaya, when the ulama agreed on the establishment of the NU organization. KH. Bisri Syansuri sat as A'wan (member) of Syria in the first PBNU composition.

 Since KH. Hasyim Asy'ari died in 1947, the position of Rais Akbar was abolished, replaced with Rais 'Aam. The position was held by KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah, where is KH. Bisri Syansuri was appointed as his representative. In 1971 he replaced KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah as Rais 'Aam until the end of his life.

 4.1.2 Leading NU and the Fighters for the New Order Marriage Bill

When NU formally joined the party bearing the Kaaba symbol. One of the most impressive achievements, when KH. Bisri Syansuri succeeded in pushing for the ratification of the marriage law that was drafted by NU scholars. Whereas previously the government had made a draft marriage law to the House of Representatives (DPR).

 After KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah died, Rais Aam NU was on the shoulders of KH. Bisri Syansuri in 1972, the era began to strengthen the New Order government. The first big challenge is the emergence of a Marriage Bill which as a whole is so far from the provisions of religious law, that there is no other alternative but to reject it. It is interesting to follow that the negotiation process in an effort to approve the bill so that it becomes a law is very tough and tight.

 The contents of the Alternative Bill drafted by the ulama led by KH. Bisri Syansuri, which includes:

 1. Marriage for Muslims must be done religiously and not civilly (article 2: NU has won its opinion);
 2. The period of 'iddah, when the wife earns a living after being divorced must be shortened. The government proposed one year, while NU asked for three months because it demanded a Muslimat, the husband had the right to refer back to his wife during the 'iddah period. No exceptions apply to elderly women.
3. Marriage after pregnancy out of wedlock is not permitted. NU is quite successful in the sense that the definition of a legitimate child is one born in or as a result of marriage.
4. Engagement is prohibited because it “could lead to adultery. NU succeeded, article 13 was deleted.
5. Adopted children do not have the same rights as biological children. In this case NU succeeded; Article 42 states that legitimate children are those born in or as a result of marriage.
6. Removing an article from the proposed bill stating that religious differences are not an obstacle to marriage. Article 11 is omitted and is not mentioned.
7. The legal age for marriage is 16 years, not 18 years for women, 19 years for men and not 21 years. In Article 7, NU succeeded.
8. The abolition of the article regarding the equal distribution of joint assets between women and men because in Islam "the results of the efforts of each husband or wife individually belong to each one who cultivates it". In this article, NU succeeded.
9. NU rejects the prohibition of marriage between two people who are related as adopted children and adoptive parents or children of adoptive parents. This article is refined to make the relationship as an adopted child not prohibited, but it also mentions the issue of breastfeeding relationships.
10. NU rejects the prohibition of remarriage between husband and wife who have been divorced. In article 10, NU succeeded. NU's resistance in the Marriage Bill at the beginning of the New Order could not be separated from KH. Bisri Syansuri, a mature fiqh expert, along with other NU kiai.

 4.1.3 Fiqh Experts and Lovers

The character as a Fiqh lover was formed when KH. Bisri Syansuri studied with KH. Kholil Bangkalan, and got stronger after studying at Tebuireng. KH. Bisri Syansuri is very deep into the points of taking religious law in fiqh, especially the old fiqh literature. It is not surprising that KH. Bisri Syansuri is so firm in adhering to the legal rules of fiqh, and so firm in contextualizing fiqh to the realities of life properly. This is what makes, KH. Bisri Syansuri is not rigid and old-fashioned in interacting with the public.

 4.1.4 Become a Tough Politician

 His contact with practical politics began when KH. Bisri Syansuri joined the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) representing Masyumi, KH. Bisri Syansuri became a member of the Constituent Assembly and peaked when he was entrusted with being the Chair of the PPP Syuro Council. The results of the 1955 election led him to become a member of the Constituent Assembly, until the institution was dissolved by President Soekarno through a presidential decree on July 5 1959. The results of the 1971 election led KH. Bisri Syansuri returned to sit as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the NU element. He held that position until he died.

    4.2     His Career

  1. In 1972 KH. Bisri Syansuri was appointed Rais Aam (chairman) Syuriah (supreme leader) Nahdlatul Ulama.
  2. Become the Chairperson of the PPP Syuro Council
  3. Became a member of the Constituent Assembly, until the institution was dissolved by President Soekarno through a presidential decree 5 July 1959.
  4. In the 1971 general election, KH. Bisri Syansuri returns to sit as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the NU element
  5. At the time of independence he was involved in government institutions, including the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP), representing Masyumi elements (where Nahdlatul Ulama was politically incorporated).
  6. During the Japanese colonial period, Bisri Syansuri was involved in national defense, namely being the Chief of Staff of the East Java Oelama Headquarters (MODT), which is based in Waru, near Surabaya. 

5.     Lesson learn Stories

5.1    Remainding Bung Hatta Wearing a Peci

 On one Friday, KH. Bisri Syansuri is praying at the Matraman mosque in Jakarta. In this mosque, Bung Hatta is always there to pray. At that time, KH. Bisri Syansuri saw Bung Hatta praying and when he prostrated his forehead was still covered by his black cap.

After Bung Hatta finished praying, Kiai Bisri kindly introduced himself, and at the same time gently reminded Bung Hatta that during prayer, the forehead should not be covered by a cap. After that, whenever Bung Hatta entered the mosque, his cap was immediately pushed back so that it did not cover his forehead when prostrating.

 5.2     Caring for Women

 In 1919, KH. Bisri Syansuri made a new breakthrough regarding something that was considered taboo by the community, namely establishing a special class for women in his Islamic boarding school.

 This is the first thing that has happened in the pesantren environment, especially in East Java. Hearing this, KH Hasyim Asy'ari immediately left for Denanyar, Jombang. He saw firsthand the learning process for women's classes and concluded that it was not prohibited.

 In the 20th century, KH. Bisri Syansuri was able to build women's education which was very beginning. The number of cases of immorality and harassment against women is in stark contrast to the efforts made by Kiai Bisri. We should follow the idea of ​​KH. Bisri Syansuri. Because smart women will give birth to a smart generation as well.

 5.3    Firmly Standing in Fiqh

 KH. Bisri Syansuri is someone who is firm in his stance. he will do his utmost to defend his principles. As previously explained, KH. Bisri Syansuri is someone who loves fiqh all his life. So, that's what he will hold until death arrives.

 Although he differs in principle with KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah who is his brother-in-law, but they still walk without being hostile. Both still hold on to what has become the firmness of his life.

6. Service at Naahdlatul Ulama (NU)

6.1     One of the Founders of NU

 KH. Bisri Syansuri was one of the Kiai who was present at the January 31, 1926 meeting in Surabaya, when the ulama agreed on the establishment of the NU organization. KH. Bisri Syansuri sat as A'wan (member) of Syria in the first PBNU composition.

Since KH. Hasyim Asy'ari died in 1947, the position of Rais Akbar was abolished, replaced with Rais 'Aam. The position was held by KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah, where is KH. Bisri Syansuri i was appointed as his representative. In 1971 he replaced KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah as Rais 'Aam until the end of his life.

 6.2     Appointed as Rais Aam PBNU

 After the death of KH. Abdul Wahab Chasbullah 1972, KH. Bisri Syansuri was appointed as Rais Aam Syuriah, the highest leader of Nahdlatul Ulama. When NU joined the United Development Party, he served as Chairman of the Majlis Syuro. KH. Bisri Syansuri was elected to the DPR until 1980.

7. Awards

Appointed Student Hero Award

The Santri Hero Award to the Founder of the Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Denanyar, Jombang, East Java (East Java) was given directly by the Caretaker of the Islamic Boarding School Darul Muttaqien, Bogor, KH Matrajo to the son of the late KH. Bisri Syansuri, namely Hj Muhassonah Hasbullah (representing the family) at the National Gallery of Indonesia Building, Jalan Merdeka Timur, Jakarta, Sunday (22/10).

9. Reference

10.    Genealogy Chart

The following is a genealogy chart for KH's teachers. Bisri Syansuri can be seen HERE, and the lineage chart of his student's lineage can be seen HERE.

This article was previously edited January 21, 2021, and last edited September 09, 2022.